From the title to the kind of cases covered, everything about this book had me hooked from the very beginning. It’s a little more on the academic side since it talks about and explains neuropsychological terms and disorders (*squeals with nerdy excitement*), but if you stick with it I promise you it’ll be one of the oddest yet intriguing books you’ll ever read.
The book is written by British neurologist Oliver Sacks and it covers some of the stories of the most bizarre cases he’s had during his career. Each patient’s disorder is so complex and marvellously confusing, I constantly wanted to know more and ended up finishing the book in less than a day. Oliver sacks was extremely accomplished in his field and what I loved was how these cases were ones that stumped him too. This is proof that what we understand about the human brain, is just a fraction of what it’s actually capable of and the fact that each patient’s condition got more baffling as the book progressed and I think it was testament to the fact that there’s so much more to be discovered.
Personally, I’m extremely interested in biology and medicine and that would definitely have contributed to the reason why I enjoyed the book so much. There are certain sections on the book that focus solely on the neuropsychological explanation of the disorders and if that’s not something you’re interested in, it could seem like a bit of a drag, but honestly if you give it a shot, the writing has the perfect mix of intrigue and humour to win you over and have you mesmerised by this masterpiece of a book.